
Laundry Soap Show-Down

The soaps:  Rockin Green, Charlie's, Purex Free&Clear, Econuts

Please note, we are in the process of testing all of these and we are adding as we go.  If you have a laundry soap you would like us to test and add, please contact me!

Rockin' Green
There's a lot of hype surrounding Rockin' Green, and I have to say it lives up to it.  Rockin' Green was kind enough to send me a sample of their Classic Rock and Hard Rock formulas.  Rockin' Green includes instructions on washing and rocking a soak.  Basically, you normally wash, but if you notice build up or have been using a different detergent you follow the soaking instructions.

Initial Impression:  Smells good and, I'll be honest, looks cool.

What I did: I soaked my first load and I was shocked at how much crud it pulled up.  Here's a picture after an hour long soak.  It really looked like lake water.  Yuck!

All in all:  My diapers were brighter than they had been in ages.  Combined with a little sun to dry, some looked brand new and these dipes have seen better days.

Final thoughts:  I wish it wasn't so expensive, but Rockin' Green is a small, U.S. based business, so you are getting a topic quality product, so it's worth the money.  I would definitely buy Rockin' Green, and I would highly suggest the scent The Plain Green Teas.

P.S.  I used Rockin' Green on my next clothes load and plan to use it on towels.  It is amazing how much dirt and chemicals were being left behind by commercial detergents.

Samples were provided for my review by some companies, but all opinions are my own and I was not reimbursed in any way for these reviews.